The State of California has set some very challenging goals for recycling as well as waste diversion and reduction at the municipal level. By partnering with California’s largest certified processor, you can meet the new state standards in a cost-effective manner.

Allan Company has the experience and financial stability to make your community’s recycling program as affordable as possible. Our goal is to offset much of the cost of recycling services with the sale of your materials worldwide.

We support each of these forward-thinking communities with successful single stream recycling that makes a real difference in these municipalities. For some municipalities we operate city-owned recycling facilities, for others we process city-hauled materials at one of Allan Company’s Material Recovery Facilities.
We provide Waste Characterization Studies so we can help you understand what’s going into your recycling bins and we continue to look for ways to improve the process for your community. Allan Company has years of experience in processing municipal recyclables.
While recycling is necessary to protect our environment, the processing of recyclables can be unsightly and unpleasant. As good neighbors in every community we serve, it is our job to ensure that commodities are processed quickly and in the least obtrusive manner possible. We will not become a nuisance to our neighbors.

There are only 9 recycling centers so far in the US that fulfill the requirements of Recycling Industry Operating Standard™, the recycling industry’s management system standard for quality, environment, health and safety. Our Baldwin Park facility integrates standards from ISO 9001, ISO 14001and OHSAS 18001 bringing them together into a streamlined RIOS management system.
As one of the largest privately held recyclers in the United States, Allan Company brings the best of both worlds to its community recycling centers. We couple the experience and resources of a large company with the customer service and commitment of a local, home-grown business.

We’ve created dedicated Material Recycling Facilities with state of the art technology including optical sorting, air classifiers and eddy current separators. Our efficiency means better results for you.
Our scales are inspected by the government and conform to the highest standards for accuracy. Be confident you’re getting the right weight with our Certified Weight Tickets. Our reputation has been built on trust for over 50 years.